(Meisam) Perfil do professor

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My name is Meisam and I am from Iran. I have a Ph.D. in ELT. I have taught English face-to-face for over 14 years. I have experience teaching general English, conversation, ESP, American accent, TOEFL and IELTS test preparation courses. I have taught English online as well. I have also taught Teaching as a Foreign Language (TEFL) courses at the university. As a teacher, I have always thought of language teaching as an opportunity to empower those who need to promote themselves. I think a good language teacher takes into account learners’ needs and interests, motivates them, and even ignites in them the willingness to initiate and interact. In my opinion, knowing a language means the capacity to successfully function in language by employing the most acceptable structures. I consider myself a successful teacher only if my language learners can easily and fluently retrieve what they have learned and get the most out of their communicative experiences. I always try to relate what I teach to what language learners are already familiar with to facilitate the retrieval and use of what they learn.

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EscolaIslamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
HobbyPersian poetry, playing soccer and ping pong
Filmes FavoritosArtificial intelligence